June 17, 2007

Campbell's New Do

Alright, I'll be the first to admit that Campbell's cuteness factor has plummeted after his new summer haircut but I say it's worth it considering I no longer have to spend hours cutting burrs out of his fur or watching him passed out on the hardwood floor panting because he's been baking in the Texas heat.

It was actually quite shocking picking him up from the groomers. We had to check twice to make sure that it was actually our dog we were bringing home with us. In some ways I can't wait until fall when we have our furry boy back.




Anonymous said...

He looks sooo...embarassed!!

Poor boy!

Anonymous said...

He looks so could pass him off as a different dog!! so cute ;)

Kim aka Mommy said...

What a great lookin' dog! BOTH of them. :o)

Melissa said...

Mom, how dare you say he looks embarrassed! That is your grandson you are talking about :)

Anonymous said...

do you ever notice when you post something about Campbell you get the most comments??? Maybe he should start his own blog.

Anonymous said...

Campbell, I love your summer doo. I also love you. Melissa and Amy, Campbell looks wonderful. Remember, he'll look alot different in a couple of months. Aunt DD

Anonymous said...

Now that is one proud looking dog!
I like this picture a lot better!
Stay cool Campbell.

Anonymous said...

I think he looks jolly smart and hasn't lost one iota of his cuteness! One cool puppy.

Anonymous said...

Don't leave your pooch alone, or else he might end up in the Midwest! CUTE!

tbean said...

SO SO CUTE. The shorn Campbell looks a bit like our boy Tobey! (TB is a lab/beagle mix.) I'm sure he's happy his moms are getting married and making him a legitmate dog!

Holly said...

HOW CUTE! He still looks adorable. Different. But still adorable!

Anonymous said...

We just did that to Gladys this weekend! We dont' recognize her at all!!

xela blue said...

hims is a cutie pie :)