February 24, 2008

Officially Out...Again

Clomid check tomorrow and on to Try #5.

February 22, 2008


Another BFN :( My temp this morning was still high so I don't know what to think. 2 cycles ago my temp never dropped either. So frustrating. We've decided not to test anymore. So we'll see if the weekend brings AF.

February 21, 2008


We ended up testing this morning. Negative :( Keeping our fingers crossed that it might be too early. The one weird "symptom" I do have is that I have unquenchable thirst. I can't get enough water. I normally sleep throughout the night but over the past couple days I've woken up and had to drink a huge glass of water. Even during the day I can't drink enough water, I feel thirsty all the time. Very strange. Guess we'll see what the next few days brings.

February 19, 2008


Not much to say. No symptoms (except for the ones I always get before AF) so I'm really not holding out much hope this time around. Not sure if we're going to test or just wait and see if AF shows or not. I'm letting Amy make that call.

So to keep myself occupied I finished the top section of my friend's baby quilt. I LOVE IT and am so excited to give it to her. She's having a little girl and I thought it would be great to incorporate pictures of her and her husband as babies into the pattern. Below is a quick peek. If anyone reading this knows JD please don't tell her what I'm making, it's a surprise.

February 14, 2008

Sick Sick Sick

Just a quick note to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day. Amy hates hates hates today and happily for her I'm sick with a bad cold/flu/virus (I never know the difference between the 3) so she is off the hook for having to do anything tonight.

Right now we are sitting at 5DPO, acupuncture yesterday went well he gave me some extra needles to help with my congestion. It's day's like this where I'm grateful to work from home so I can sit on the couch with my box of Kleenex and work on the computer in my PJs.

February 9, 2008

Try #4

This week was filled with doctor's appointments. I went in on Tuesday for my first follicle scan. There were a bunch of little ones but only 1 dominant follicle at 18mm. When I went back in Thursday for scan #2 the 18mm had grown to 20mm. Our doctor gave me the marching orders that if I didn't surge on my own by Friday to come in and get a trigger shot.

So now it's Saturday and the deed is done. I went in yesterday for my hcg trigger shot and we went in this morning for the IUI. I'm pretty ho hum about this cycle. Not sure if it's because we did monitored cycles this time so I feel a lot of the responsibility shift off of me or if it's just because I'm trying to protect myself from feeling excitement only to have it crush down around me. It is times like this that I look in awe at the people who have been doing this over and over again and find the strength and spirit to continue on to the next cycle.

We've decided to stop temping again after we've detected the temperature shift. It was really helpful in easing the stress last time we did it.

Thank you all for the kind words about Amy's dad. They meant a lot to both of us.

Next steps:
Acupuncture Wednesday
Get progesterone levels checked next Saturday

February 3, 2008

Busy Year

It has been a while since I have posted on the blog. There are many reasons but mostly because we have been out of baby mode for the last 2 months. Another reason is that my dad is sick.

Last year was a roller coaster for me, it was unforgettable. Last year we focused on having a baby and started this blog. We also got married in Canada. I had disagreements with family on my decisions to have a baby. My mom got married to someone I had not even met. We thought we were pregnant and then suffered a loss before getting pregnant. Finally, we found out at the end of the year my dad has cancer.

It was a big blow to an interesting year. Just six months before the news about my dad, he came to Calgary to celebrate my wedding. He was the only represeative of my family that came to our day. Just his acceptance and his desire to come to Canada made me closer to him than I have ever been. My dad has his flaws but his heart is bigger than anyone I know. I hope that I am just like him.

My dad had surgery at the first of the year to remove the cancer and the good news is that the surgery went well and they got it out. The bad news is that it went to the lymph nodes. They told us out of many tested it was only found in three. However, chemotherapy is now needed.

A week ago from today, I received a phone call that my dad was in bad shape and they couldn't stabilize him. Melissa and I flew out right away and fortunately, my dad survived the scare. His blood pressure was at 47/29 and he made it. We found out that after his surgery something happened and he had an infection on his abdomen. He was septic and really sick. Today he is home, happy, and ready to fight the next step.

Melissa keeps wondering if we should wait to start trying to have a baby but I really want to keep going. It is something I can focus on and it also makes my dad happy.

It looks like we will be inseminating later this week. Wish us luck.