February 22, 2008


Another BFN :( My temp this morning was still high so I don't know what to think. 2 cycles ago my temp never dropped either. So frustrating. We've decided not to test anymore. So we'll see if the weekend brings AF.


Lizzie said...

Are you on progeterone? Could that keep the temp high despite the BFN? I don't know. But damn. Test again tomorrow?

Melissa said...

Hi Lizzie - Nope not on progesterone. The only thing I took this cycle was clomid.

Anonymous said...

Sorry love. It is a beautiful chart though! oxoxox

j.k-c. said...

So sorry Melissa...maybe there is still a chance?
I prefer not testing....our last IUI cycle I didn't test once. It still sucked to get my period, but it was easier than having to stare at those white spaces wondering if I could possibly see a line, even when I know it isn't there.
Your chart is beautiful!!!

tbean said...

Sorry Melissa. Pretty chart or no, it still sucks.

Anonymous said...

Pah! Charts like that should HAVE to be positives. It should be in the rules. I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Very bad news, very.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. So sorry Melissa. Hoping that AF just doesn't show up. Fingers crossed.

Kim aka Mommy said...

BFN's SUCK! I'm not testing anymore either.

Anonymous said...

This really is a lovely chart--how can this not be a positive? I don't blame you for not testing anymore. I've found it keeps me from being quite so obsessive, but it's just so TEMPTING! I hope things turn out more positively in a couple of days.