At what age is it determined whether you are left or right handed? Right now Jackson seems to favor his left hand. That's the one that nine times out of ten is grabbing and holding toys. Wasn't sure if this was an insight into the future or if right now he's just more developed with his left.
8 years ago
not sure what age but our daughter Madison always went for stuff with her left hand when she was little( 6 months ish)- so I started to also see her eat with her left I relized that she was most likely going to be a south paw, and sure enough now at 14 she is sooooo left handed.
Not sure. Sadie favours her right hand. When my brother was a baby my step mom obsessed about him being left handed. He did seem to favour his left but ended up right handed.
I don't think it's until they're a bit older- toddler age/2 years. At one year, ours is still very ambidextrous...but sometimes we see a right preference.
I can't remember the age either, but it's older than Jack. Jace favored his left and people said he was going to be left handed (I have lefties on both sides) but he definitely now prefers to hold crayons and utensils in his right hand now.
Our pediatrician told us not to pay any attention to any preferences we think we notice for now. I'm not sure when those preferences DO start to matter, but like Strawberry, I'd guess it's around age 2 or later. At this point (14 months), E is all about experimentation and learning motor control with both hands, in addition to all of this other body parts. He's as likely to pick something up with his mouth or his toes as his right versus his left hand. :-)
I think it's not until they're toddlers. Our son is three and I think he still uses both hands, but he has gone through periods of favouring one over the other. I'm going to have to pay attention now and see, but I'm pretty sure he still uses either one to colour and eat.
Per our pediatrician, it is at a toddler stage 2-3yrs. At 3 months they are usually still using both hands interchangeably. He actually told us if we noticed a preference before then, to let him know and to try and encourage the use of both hands for developmental reasons. I have noticed them going through phases of preferring one hand over the other and then switching back to using both. Ah! The mystery of babies!
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