Let me start off by saying, no we aren't pregnant again and no we aren't even thinking about #2 for a while. The big news is we're moving!! (and not from Blogger to Wordpress either.) We are packing up 10 years of our life spent in our amazing town of Austin and moving WAY north to Toronto.
Why the move you might ask? Amy has an amazing job opportunity that we just couldn't pass up. We're excited, sad and scared for this new adventure. The closer we come to move time (end of August) the fear and sadness starts to overpower the excitement. We just gave notice to Jackson's amazing daycare when his last day will be and we're almost at the tail end of finalizing our house sale (the house where Jackson was born). What used to be a distant thought is now quickly becoming reality.
The thought of moving to a city where we don't know a soul and where we have to start fresh with everything is a bit daunting. Every time I think about it I practically burst into tears thinking about all the friends we're leaving behind. How long it took us to find Jackson the perfect daycare and pediatrician. How we know where to find the best Mexican food in the city. 10 years of a life and now I feel like we're resetting the clock and are back at zero. So if there are any Torontonians out their reading this please tell me it's going to be okay.
I don't mean for this to sound like such a downer post. We're very excited for a fresh start in a new city and all the opportunities that it will afford us. It's just hard to leave the people and places you love so much. So hang on tight because we'll be posting a lot about our upcoming adventure.
Also, Amy's going away again this week which means more Jackson letters!!
9 years ago
Congrats! What a big move! I hope it is a wonderful new adventure for your family. Canada sounds pretty freakin great to me!
Wow, that IS big news!! Good luck on the move and on settling in in the new COUNTRY!!
Congratulations on your move. Is your stomach in knots every time that you think about it? I know mine would be even if it is a great opportunity. It's just a hard situation. Even wonderful changes need a grieving period. Don't feel bad about grieving for what you're leaving behind, it's totally natural. :) Good luck from the mommies at www.twomomsandababybump.blogspot.com
Congrats on your new life adventure. Sounds exciting. I am sure before you know it you will find lots of new friends, a good pediatrician and a wonderful daycare.
Very exciting! My partner and I live very near Toronto. It's a wonderful city and I think you'll love it. Maybe once you're all settled we could plan a playdate. We've met a few Toronto friends through the blogs. :)
BTW, if I haven't already sent you an invite to read my blog (it's private), send me an email to lpnlzrds @ yahoo . com and I'll send one.
Wow, how exciting! You'll love Toronto. It's such a vibrant and fun city, lots to do. I wouldn't mind moving there myself! I know if you find some community groups to join when you get there you'll meet people quickly. Good luck with everything! What a drive! I can sympathize there-- I drove from the southwest to Alaska in 2003. 4,000 miles.
By the way, wordpress seems not to be working with your blog, or any other blogspot blogs I've tried to comment on lately. I have to use the name/url option. So a move to wordpress might not be a bad idea... ;)
Wow, that's so exciting and scary all at the same time. I can't wait to read more about your big move, I've heard really great things about Toronto.
Happy (impending) move! That is awesome news! Congratulations are in order! We may be right behind you with a move of our own, and I am really looking forward to the idea of a fresh start in a new place..I hope you are too! It will be fantastic and I promise, there is really great ethnic food in Toronto!!! :)
thats wonderful news! congrats to you both!
I am happy for you guys but seriously going to miss you at book club:(
I'm from Toronto and ADORE IT!!! So wish we could be back home now. You guys will LOVE IT. Not only are the benefits amazing for same-sex couples, but there is such a great community there. And, social medicine! I love my country and my home city. I hope you guys have great move and that you love your new life in Canada! Ontario is an amazing province and you guys will fit RIGHT IN! xo
Welcome to Canada! Sadly I don't live anywhere near Toronto, but it seems most people move to Vancouver after living in Toronto for a while so maybe we will live in the same city one day:) I am looking forward to more Jackson letters, but at the same time I means a tough week for you two again. Good luck!
We have a move on our horizon (much farther away than yours) and it makes me nauseous on a weekly basis, so I can empathize with your anxiety over the blank slate element. It's scary stuff! I have been reminding myself frequently that home is who, what and where you make it. I know that you three will carve out a perfect little space for yourselves and before you know it, you'll hardly be able to imagine living elsewhere.
Toronto is a great city. I love it. Although we've headed out to the burbs our roots are still there.
Moving is so hard and away from friends and family makes it worse. I do think that you have a fantastic opportunity that not a lot of people easily have. Canada will be good to your family and when #2 comes along you
can go visit friends during your 1 year mat leave!!! (;
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