Jackson has started telling us when he's ready for bed. It's AWESOME! We'll be doing our bedtime routine of a bottle and books when all of a sudden he'll say "bye bye" and start waving. At first we were completely confused about what he was doing but now when he does this we put him in his crib and tell him good night. Then the whole time we are walking out of the room he lays in his crib waving and whispering bye bye. When we close the door we don't hear a peep from him until morning. I have to repeat myself and say it's AWESOME!
9 years ago
Sadie started telling us when she wants to go to bed too. It's too cute!!!
I have a feeling we should really enjoy this stage because it's too good to be true. (;
That is awesome! Ian does that too. It's so cute. Then they turn 4 like Erik and start refusing to go to bed again. *sigh*
Sounds like a dream come true!
Our little guy (3.5 months) lets us know by getting really fussy. Not nearly as cute.
Can I be you for a day? Or rather bedtime? Seriously. :P
Enjoy it now! When the girls were two-ish they would climb the stairs to their room saying "nigh, nigh Mama" :-) Now it's a huge ordeal to take naps!!
That is too cute!! I'm with Stacey. I'm coming over to trade with you for a day. Or a week. You don't mind dogs, do you?
So I'm going to bring BG over, and Jackson can teach him how to do that, okay? Thanks. :-)
That IS awesome! So jealous that I never had that.
Wow - that's pretty incredible!
Hurray! We're approaching that stage, it seems, and it's such a relief to skip the drama that used to be routine. Congratulations!!
Whew!!! This is great news!
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