May 22, 2009

Afternoon Quickie

IUI #2:
- count was 12 million
- ovulated 2 from the right and 1 from the left
- beta scheduled for 6/5

TWW distractions:
- sew a diaper bag for a friend
- finish the current book I'm reading
- go to book club and get a new book to read(any book recommendations?)
- shop at IKEA for bedroom mini makeover items

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Anonymous said...

That's a great count!! I hope you have a relaxing and productive tww.

Lisa said...

Wow three released eggies. That's fantastic. Two IUI's, two good counts, good follie production, Amy's feeling better...come on universe, make it happen.

It's not coming out until Monday but my book recommendation is: Shanghai Girls by Lisa See. She is the same author of Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (also highly recommended if you haven't read it yet. I read it first but read it again for my book club group). I loved Snow Flower and I read that Shanghai girls is even better.

Anonymous said...

seriously, how could it not work this month with a confirmed three follicle ovulation, such perfectly timed iuis, and great sperm counts?! sounds like everything is perfectly aligned for a great end to your tww!

Keri said...

I am so hoping this is it! What a perfect memory for Memorial Day weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy TWW! I'm hoping the best for you!

Mutti said...

Most excellent! My bets are on for a BFP.

Anonymous said...

Wow, three follies! That is fantastic; I think this will be your BFP!

tbean said...

Awesome numbers! Fingers crossed!

Gayby Rabies said...

Wow, a total of 3 follicles and 30 million sperm! That sounds like a Memorial Day weekend party!

Anonymous said...

I recommend Look Me In the Eye, My Life with Asperger's by John Robison. Fascinating to read. Good luck with the IUI!

Next in Line said...

I am holding my breathe with you on this tww. This has just gotta be it. Come up stork make a visit to Amy and Melissa's.

Lizzie said...

fingers crossed! so hope this is the one! xo

2momswithaplan said...

Wow! Those are great odds! Lets do some manifesting, shall we? You will be looking at a positive pregnancy test in 2 weeks! Isn't that exciting?! Early congrats on your BFP!


Book recommendations - I would start reading the twilight series... really... its not just for the teens and it will keep your attention all the way through the tww. If you are anything like me, you'll have all 4 books read within a week or two!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I will be shocked if you are not pregnant this time! You are a fertility poster child! Good luck ladies.

Anonymous said...

I recommend the book The Last Child by john hart - best book ive ever read...if you liked grisham when grisham was good and to kill a mockingbird, then this is your next read!