May 20, 2009

Try#9 a Go! - UPDATE

Went in for another scan today and we have been given the thumbs up to proceed. I trigger later this afternoon (between 4 and 5) and go in for IUI#1 tomorrow morning and IUI#2 Friday morning. The great news is that our RE's office is going to do them this cycle!! Apparently, the doctor's had a meeting about it and out of the four who own the practice three of the doctor's are all for doing "donor inseminations" so the three doctor's are moving forward with doing them and the one not so much. Amy and I think we spotted him on our visit today. Old curmudgeony looking man (he is the only one in the practice that we have never seen).

UPDATE: E2 is at 732 so things are looking good. I swear after all of this I really think I could get some form of medical degree!


Lizzie said...

Yay for try #9 !! Hope this one is it for you guys!!! And yay for them doing it at the clinic!

Anonymous said...

That's a go niner niner!

Let's hoping this cycle ends in the affirmative!

j.k-c. said...

Fingers crossed!!

Marina said...

Good luck girls, I love your blog!! I´m sure everything its going to be ok!! Blessings!!

Anonymous said...

hooray for your RE's office finally getting their sh*t together! one less hassle is a good thing.
wishing ya'll the best of luck tomorrow & friday morning. c'mon lucky #9!

Claudia said...

Yay! Good luck, guys! BTW, we're going to see Wicked too. I hear it's really good. Talk to you soon...miss ya.

Melissa "Baby House" said...

I am very excited that you two are going for another attempt and so happy that your RE's office will be taking care of you. Try not to concern yourself with Mr. Old Conservative dude. If he were halfway intelligent, he would realize just how much business he is giving away by not supporting donor inseminations of lesbian women. It's his problem and not yours! GOOD LUCK!!!

Anonymous said...

Sending good thoughts your way!!!

B. said...

Hurray- for round #9 as well as IUIs at your clinic. Ignore the curmudgeon. We're all rooting for you two!

Lisa said...

Good luck. I'm glad we'll be in the tww together.

Next in Line said...

Yay to getting another shot. You two work so hard for each try, I am always so exicted when it comes together for you. Okdokay try number nine-lets get some sticky conception happening.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you the best this cycle!!!

Claudia said...

Wahoo! You guys are going to do great...I can feel it.