June 12, 2009

Beta #2

Everything seems to be trucking along nicely.

14DPO: 115
21DPO: 2420

Which gives us a doubling time of 1.59 days. Doctor wants me to stay on the progesterone and go in again for another beta next Friday. Then we'll do our first ultrasound at 7 weeks.

We're very relieved at the numbers so far. I guess after doing this so long it's hard not to slip into my Bitter Betty and Debbie Downer personalities. I'm trying very hard not to worry and enjoy this time. So far no real symptoms, just getting worn out more quickly and sleeping like crap. All things I can handle.


Kate said...

Beautiful numbers Melissa! So happy things are looking so great.

Thanks for your sweet support while I flail about.

Hope you soon feel different *enough* to believe this is real-- so very happy for you and Amy.

Anonymous said...

Way to go! I love those numbers and look forward to more good news outta you!

Nic said...

Great numbers! Hope everything continues to be well

Pufferfish said...

These numbers are great! What a relief to get them on a Friday so you can enjoy the weekend. Now go enjoy Austin for me--I miss it! Go to Hippy Hollow or something and tell me how naked everyone was!

Anonymous said...

Great numbers! Congrats

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to see those numbers. You're doing great! The worries are hard to keep away, especially at first. Just relish those happy moments as long as you can.

Creamy Silver said...

Rockstar beta's. So happy for you both.

2momswithaplan said...

Those are great numbers!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful're doing great!

Anonymous said...

great numbers! glad you are feeling okay so far.

Next in Line said...

Lovely lovely beta numbers girls. This one's a rock star for sure. Make sure you book a space now on American Idol. I have a good feeling about this one.

Anonymous said...

Great numbers! Congratulations!

R said...

HOly crap! I am gone MIA for a while and look what I miss... congrats ladies!! WOO HOO!!

J and D said...

Great numbers!! Congrats! I agree that it's hard to shake certain feelings from TTC. Things do get better... at least I've been told that and I may be starting to believe it!

Anonymous said...


This Mom said...

Great numbers!

Susan said...

Hooray on the numbers!!!! 1.59 is very good, and you should enjoy every minute (as much as you can!) :)

Kate said...

me again, hoping all is well and that you are feeling great.

Thinking of you,

K said...

Awaiting today's beta results with high hopes and crossed fingers...