December 5, 2009

Our Niece Lily

Lillian Grace was born 11/20/2009 and we just got to meet her this week. It was great to see my sister and Lily and most of all to be there to help them out. Lily is a great baby and it was nice to get some practice in before Bit gets here in Feb. I have been meaning to post about Lily for a while but I have been very busy with work.

A couple of things we learned (and will be sure to remember) this week is if you are breastfeeding you have to be sure to eat your share of calories, drink lots of water and get rest or you'll have trouble producing enough quality milk. Jennifer (my sister) has no appetite so it's hard for her to want to eat anything. So we tried to give her easy food to eat like cheese cubes, popcorn and mixed nuts.

We also learned how important it is to have some help. Jennifer was so drained and we just went in, cleaned up the house, and did the dishes. We ran some errands for her and made dinners for them. The most important thing was she didn't have to ask us to do these things we just did them. The last night we were there I put Lily to bed while Jennifer and Melissa watched Glee. It was the first time Jennifer seemed to relax. I think it was nice for her to feel normal. We were happy to help her, Chris and Lily out for a couple days. So help is great but only helpful if you don't have to ask for specific things. This was a great lesson since we were debating about when we should ask for people to come to our house after Bit's arrival.

In other news, we are doing great but Melissa is starting to feel some of the effects of the third trimester. Aside from heartburn from hell she's having a difficult time sitting for long periods of time, especially in the car where she can't move around a lot. But overall we have nothing to complain about except Bit still hasn't appeared to flip, but we are still working on that. So here is the latest and greatest at 29 weeks.


Dani Magestro said...

ahh she is a doll and love your belly!

K said...

Oh my gosh, you need SOOO much help! Our closest friends had a baby six months after us and we were over there all the time helping out and dropping things off because the challenge of those first few weeks was fresh in our minds. Our friends commented that they wished they'd done more for us, but they had no idea how hard it was until they went through it themselves!

Your sister is lucky to have you, and your niece is such a cutie!

Claudia said...

Congrats on Lily! She's adorable! And please know we can be there to help. We want to!...if you want it. :) Just say the word. :) Hugs!

anofferingoflove said...

She is adorable, congrats aunties!

The belly bump looks awesome! I can't believe how close ya'll are!!!

CJ said...

I had the heartburn problem and I HATED it!! Ice cream! Lots of ice cream!! Great belly pic!

Anonymous said...

Looking great!!!

Anonymous said...

It's so true about needing help! When your friends offer, TAKE THEM UP ON IT! Dinners, groceries, wash...whatever you need! It will make such a huge difference in your sanity.

Eva said...

beautiful bump! you go girl!

Next in Line said...

I am so happy to see you at 29 weeks. Your bump is adorable. You waited so long for this. Little bit is very lucky.

Anonymous said...

Adorable baby, adorable belly.