July 12, 2007

Our Day

Well, we finally legally got married! It was beautiful and more special than I thought it would be. The day was a blur for me. I have been told many times about people only remembering the wedding through pictures and now I understand. The love and support we received in Canada by friends, family, and strangers was amazing. From my experience, Canadians are so friendly and much more open minded then what I am used to in the States. The whole day was a special event not only for Melissa and I but also for the people that participated in our wedding and our dinner. I highly recommend getting married for those who think it is foolish because it isn't legal. It may not be legal (in the States) but it meant just as much to me (if not more) to marry Melissa.

I would love to thank everyone for their well wishes. Melissa and I really appricate all the support from everyone.

If you would like to see more pictures click here.


Anonymous said...


tbean said...

Yay!! Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

Anonymous said...

You all look soooo happy and what a beautiful place. Welcome to our family, Melissa. I am so thrilled that you all got married. I just wish I could have shared this extraordinary moment with you. I love you both. Aunt DD

Holly said...

The pictures totally gave me goosebumps! You guys look so happy and..the scenery during the ceremony is breathtaking...and it just looks like such an amazing time.
I'm so excited for you!!

CD and SP said...

what amazingly-beautiful scenery you got to be married in front of. congrats!

Anonymous said...

Hey congratulations! What beautiful pictures - such a fantastic spot. And should you ever visit us here in the UK, you'll be legally recognised as married (or "civilly partnered" should I say)!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You look fabulous! We are also big proponents of weddings, even if they aren't legal. We had a ceremony 2.5 years ago, and even though we are not legally married, we felt it important to have our family and friends participate in supporting our relationship going forward. The experience was more than I could have even hoped for.


Evillage said...


ohchicken said...

many many many congratulations...

*heads over to flickr to look at pics!*

Kim aka Mommy said...

Congrats! The pics are BEAUTIFUL!