October 14, 2007

First Stop Frustration Station - UPDATE

Still no positive OPK. Not even a faint line on the test :( Now I'm getting nervous. Not only do we have the ticking clock of the tank to contend with but there is also my history of anovulatory cycles. I'm not liking how I feel especially after I was doing so well with keeping calm and stress free. I'm beginning to feel the waves of panic surround me. Breathe...Breathe...Breathe.

Either way this just sucks, if we do go in tomorrow I'm going to have to go in alone because Amy can't get out of work. Neither of us likes this scenario but it's one of those situations where there is nothing that can be done to change it. I'll bring my iPod and hope, pray and cross everything I can that I don't have to face the evil tenaculum on my own.

The doctor is going to call me this morning so maybe we'll come up with a game plan and I can feel a little more reassured.

UPDATE: Our doctor wants us to come in this afternoon for IUI#1 and if I don't see that I have ovulated by tomorrow then she wants me to come in for a hcg trigger shot and do IUI #2 on Tuesday. If I do get signs of ovulation tomorrow then I go in for IUI #2 tomorrow. Fingers and toes crossed for us please.


E and M, jumpingoutoftrees said...

Are you testing more than once a day? I am nuts about testing for a couple of days a month. I would test in the morning, around 1pm, and around 7pm. I really believed in finding the start of the surge and going in 24 hours after it started. My doctor didn't agree, but it didn't hurt anything except my pocketbook.

Melissa said...

Yep. I have my fertility monitor for in the morning and do 1 OPK in the afternoon and 1 later than night. Based on all these tests I haven't picked up a surge yet.

Anonymous said...

I have everything crossed for you!!!!!!! I think the stress of timing insems is soooooo much worse than the TWW!!!!! Try to keep breathing and trust that it will work out for the best.....I was so stressed this cycle and it turns out the timing couldn't have been better!

Anonymous said...

Grrr. How frustrating. At least you have the shot option if nothing happens by itself. Wishing you both loads of luck.

Holly said...

that is frustrating!
Good luck with the IUIs

Anonymous said...

lots of luck! everything crossed!

Kim aka Mommy said...

Lots of luck ladies!