July 16, 2009

Little Bit is Growing (9w6d)


Little Bit is healthy and has a great heartbeat at 180BPM. We are very happy and excited how much has changed in 2 weeks. Bit is starting to look like a baby!!!


Anonymous said...

Yay for you, Little Bit! You're doing a great job!

Stacey said...

oh my god, that is so amazing and beautiful, what a great pic

jessie said...

he/she totally looks like a baby! beautiful!

Kate said...

Beautiful! Oh I love happy news, and your little bit looks just perfectly wonderful. Near 10 weeks already! And that is just great too.
So many wonderful milestones.

Congratulations on your wonderful ultrasound.
and warm wishes to you and Melissa and little bit,


J and D said...

Wow - great pic. Our 10 week picture had hardly any detail. Isn't it amazing how fast they grow?

Hanen said...

Cuteness! What a beautiful Little Bit! And clever mamas!

Creamy Silver said...

Thanks for the update. Congrats on your hearty little prune!

Anonymous said...

what a perfect picture!! Congrats on a wonderful appointment.

Anonymous said...

aw, your babe is beautiful! what an adorable picture! thanks for sharing with us.

Naomi said...

Congratulations!! What great detail and a beautiful little baby!! It's pretty amazing...and once the little one arrives you can look back at these pictures and think OMG you came from that! I'm so happy for you guys, best wishes!!

Susan said...

Totally looking like a baby!!! Great pic. I'm glad things are going well. :)

Jackie said...

Sure is a baby in there! I'm so happy things are going well for you ladies!

Dani Magestro said...

ahhh thats so cute. I remember when maya went from blob to gummy bear status it was so cool! yay!

Claudia said...

Lookin so cute in there! Can't wait to see you guys!

K said...

WOW! What a great picture!

Sarah Who? said...

For some reason, I love how it says "BABY" right above. So, so sweet. :)

Anonymous said...

so excited for you!!!! what a relief to see that image im sure!

La said...

That is a great picture!! Yay for little bit :-)


She said...

i am so happy for you guys and what a beautiful sonogram pic. i know they say the gender myth isn't true,but it was for dp and i. our babe had a high heartbeat at every ob appt. maybe its a girl for you two. congrats again.

Gayby Rabies said...

The ultrasound pic is MUCH cuter than the picture of that prune on the sidebar. Little Bit looks very cozy.

Anonymous said...

Little Bit is a lot beautiful! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

That is such a fabulous ultrasound photo! S/he really does look like a baby now!

tiff said...

That is VERY much a baby!!! What beautiful images!!!!!!

Two Moms, Two Monkeys said...

Congrats... love the photo!