September 13, 2007

Torture in the 21st Century

Good news first...we had our first IUI this afternoon! Now the rest of the story.

*Warning the information below might be too traumatic for some readers*

We went in for our IUI, did the whole routine of feet in stirrups, etc. The doctor said everything looked good until she tried to put the catheter needle thing in and she couldn't get it though my cervix, at this point the word tenaculum passed her lips. Now to those of you who are saying "huh, what is this thing she is talking about", let me give you the definition and image of this medieval torture device so you can truly appreciate the afternoon I refer to as hell.

Tenaculum: A long-handled, slender, hooked instrument for lifting and holding parts, such as blood vessels, during surgery.

(Pay particular attention to the sharp pointy ends)

I knew I was in trouble even before she started using the device. One look at the horror that was plastered across Amy's face made me realize that tenaculum was not a fancy medical term for cotton swab.

So at this point she had to use this instrument from satan to clamp my cervix in place and then use it to straighten out the kink (I'm paraphrasing here) so that the catheter could pass though. When she tugged on this thing to straighten out said kink I swear I flew off the table. The pain radiated EVERYWHERE in my lower body. I believe the exact words I screamed were "OH MY GOD!" I'm not even going to pretend that I was brave, tears were streaming down my face. I don't think I would have made it through if Amy wasn't there holding my hand. Needless to say I'm more than sore right now. The thing that made it all worthwhile was that Amy was allowed to push down on the syringe.

I wish the experience wouldn't have been so traumatic. This whole day has made me wonder if I can't handle this kind of pain how am I going to handle childbirth. I'll be honest, I'm scared to go back tomorrow.


tbean said...

HOW AWFUL!!!! I am so sorry you had to go through that. Is this something that will be an ongoing problem with your cervix or was this an isolated incident??? :( :( :(

Kim aka Mommy said...

Oh crap! I too am SO sorry you had to go throught that. We're praying that today is pain free! Loads and loads of baby dust! Looks like we're TWW partners! :o)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that this happened to you...I just had my first IUI last weekend and I'm thankful that I didn't even know that this was am option...I would have been so much more anxious. I hope you are feeling better soon, to *enjoy* the TWW!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that it was so painful! Our NP had to use that nasty little device on me as well. I had stubborn cervix as well as stubborn ovaries!

Hang in there, and try a pain killer a bit before you go in tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

Yowzer! Just looking at the pics brought tears to my eyes! I hope it works and you don't have to endure it all again next month!

Lo said...

Ugh. I have heard some horror stories about the tenaculum. Here's hoping you don't have to see it again.

E and M, jumpingoutoftrees said...

Wow -- how stressful. Welcome to the TWW. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Grrrl, do NOT let her do that to you again. Seriously. I'm not going to let them use it again. Last time my doctor uttered that horrible word I yelped, NO NO NO! Just try for five more minutes! Fifteen seconds later the catheter was in. No. Just say (or yelp) no. Sorry it sucked so bad. I do empathize. However... good luck! I'm glad you got started!

Ali said...

Sorry it was so painful for you. I have had to have that damn tenaculum for the last 6 or so IUI's. It's no fun each time but I have gotten used to it. Hopefully not for long. Our first OB visit- I was so happy that that little device would not be involved. Now that we are ttc again- one of my first few thoughts was- "not again, I hate that tenaculum". Baby dust to you!

Holly said...

I am so sorry.
Lois had a problem with scar tissue on her cervix and they did a procedure right then and there that sounds similar, opening up the cervix without any local or anestheia. I felt HORRIBLE for her.

Anonymous said...

Though I am leaving a comment in March of 2008 I just had a similar experience. I was just going on line to find out more about what the hell my doctor did to me. It did not calm me during my visit when the nurse came in asked me if I felt faint and NOT to get up until she said so...45 minutes later...alot longer than the usual lay down for 14 to 20. I am not letting that doctor touch me again. I had two prior IUI's with no problem. If they just take their time they will get that catheter in. I hope you had success getting pregnant!

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